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Our curriculum…….at WFS our pupils are based within pathways that are responsive to each learner, building upon and developing their individual strengths and areas for development. The curriculum across the school is progressive and meets priority needs within each pathway.

All learners will develop skills in the areas shown on the Curriculum Overview. The approach to this will vary within each pathway, at a level and pace appropriate to individual and group need. The WFS Curriculum Pathway Model below shows the working levels and needs of the pupils which determines their pathway. Pupils often move between pathways.

Meeting the areas for development within each child or young person’s EHCP remains a priority. Well considered planning enables us to further embed meeting these needs within a daily curriculum, ensuring that each pupil makes as much progress and becomes as independent as they can, in readiness for life beyond WFS.

For further information please read below and the Curriculum & Progression Handbook.

WFS Curriculum Progression Handbook Feb 2024

Leader for Curriculum - Senior Deputy Headteacher Jo Kehoe


  • The pathways that pupils are placed in are determined by both levels of learning and wider individual SEND

Click here to enlarge table

EARLY YEARS…Pathway Leader Charley Curtis

At Wyre Forest School we understand the importance of a child’s first years in school. Our Early Years Curriculum meets the needs of children from our Nursery Assessment Unit to the end of Reception. We value pupils’ individual learning styles and embrace a play-based curriculum to develop their early skills and to ensure a happy, confident start to school life.

PATHWAY 1..Pathway Leader Asst Headteacher Laura Morris

Our pathway 1 curriculum is a personalised curriculum which ensures pupils are at the centre of learning. This is achieved through planned learning opportunities to engage the learners. These activities are scaffolded by the adults to ensure the pupils maintain and develop their skills, and work towards their EHCP targets.

PATHWAY2…Pathway Leader Emily Woodall

Our pathway 2 curriculum is a personalised curriculum which considers the engagement of each pupil. Although, lessons are planned and delivered in a variety of ways (whole class, group and individually) all teaching is individualised to ensure pupils are working towards their EHCP targets. Pathway 2 learners follow motivational units of work and the classrooms are set up to provide continuous provision, where the adult’s role is to scaffold learning across all areas of the curriculum.

PATHWAY 3…Pathway Leader Zoe Wilkes

Within pathway 3 each unit of work is focussed around an engaging theme which forms the basis for the learning activities. This incorporates the children’s interests and provides contextual experiences to develop their individual skills. The semi-formal style provides pupils with opportunities to further their learning through encountering and exploring activities with adults and peers to develop their understanding further.

PATHWAY 4…Pathway Leader Louise Calder

This pathway is specifically designed for pupils who are working within the National Curriculum but will remain significantly below age related expectations. The curriculum will follow motivational units of work, using themes that encompass subject learning and skill building, within a more holistic approach. Developing their life skills, independence and mental health understanding will continue to form a large part of the curriculum.

POST 14…Pathway Leader & Deputy Headteacher Rebekah Thompson

In post-14 pathway, pupils build on their learning from pathways 3 and 4, working towards nationally recognised accreditations, continuing to develop life skills, independence and starting to develop skills for work. Pathway 3 pupils work towards Entry level 1 maths and English. Those pupils who previously followed a pathway 4 curriculum will work towards Entry level qualifications in English, Maths, Science, Healthy Living and Creative Crafts. Some pupils are college-ready at the end of post-14 whilst others will enter our post-16 ‘sixth form’. Our careers program teaches pupils about the range of future options, allowing pupils to make informed decisions about their own lives.

POST 16…Pathway Leader Deputy Headteacher Rebekah Thompson

Our post-16 focus is to prepare learners to confidently take their next steps into adulthood and work towards achieving their aspirations.  The curriculum supports transition through a timetable based both within school and in the local community.  A ‘real-life’ approach to learning is taken with opportunities in the following areas: independent living skills, community leisure activities, functional skills, vocational learning at our allotment and café. Engagement with further education, employers, training and social provision supports young people in making informed decisions about their future.

RUSSELL HOUSE…Curriculum Lead Jemma Mole

Russell House has a bespoke curriculum in place which allows us to focus on key areas of development including encouraging independent living skills, enhancing social interaction, supporting a healthy balanced lifestyle, accessing community-based activities and promoting emotional well-being.