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Careers & Preparation for Adulthood

Careers & Preparation for Adulthood

At Wyre Forest School our careers programme is tailored to meet the needs of learner groups and individuals from Year 7 onwards across all pathways. Our programme consists of learning, advice and experiences across:

  • Careers
  • The World of Work
  • Enterprise
  • Life Skills
  • Transition into Adulthood

In December 2017, the DfE produced a Careers Strategy: Making the most of everyone’s skills and talents. The document lays out plans to raise the quality of careers provision nationally.  It’s aims are:

  1. We want all young people to understand the full range of opportunities available to them, learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace, and have first-hand experiences of the workplace.
  2. We want all young people in secondary school and college to get a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured, and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience. 
  3. We want everyone to get support tailored to their circumstances at any time. All adults will be able to access free face-to-face advice with more support for those it need it most.
  4. We want everyone to get the information they need to understand the job and career opportunities available, and how their knowledge and skills can help them in considering suitable careers.

The DfE Careers strategy names the Gatsby Benchmarks as the measure of excellence in careers provision. 

Gatsby Benchmarks:
  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of work places
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal Guidance

At WFS we are committed to supporting the transition into adulthood of all our learners through fulfilling the aims of the DfE strategy alongside meeting the diverse needs of our young people.

Follow the link for full details of The Gatsby Benchmarks.


Wyre Forest School Careers Programme

Our full careers programme is detailed here: Wyre Forest School Careers Strategy and Action Plan.

Our careers team:

Rebekah Thompson - Careers Leader

Abi Sinclair- Careers and Transitions Advisor - 

Please follow the link to contact us if you have any enquiries.


Careers and Transition Advice

Our Careers and Transitions Advisor (CTA), Abi Sinclair, provides impartial careers and transition support to students and their parents.

Year group Planned Input
Year 7

Group session - Introducing the CTA & PfA


Individual meetings/support for students if necessary

CTA appointments available at parents evenings.

CTA available for informal discussion with students and parents at Life Beyond School Event (Spring Term)

Year 8
Year 9

Group session as above.

1:1 discussion with each pupil and their parents/carers.  Transition action plan document produced in readiness for the Preparing for Adulthood ECHP review.

Year 10

Group session as appropriate

1:1 discussion with each pupil and their parents/carers.  Transition action plan document produced in readiness for the Preparing for Adulthood ECHP review.

CTA updates transition plan and provides support in readiness for the Preparing for Adulthood Annual Review of EHCP.
Year 11

Group session as appropriate

1:1 discussion with each pupil and their parents/carers and support available for applications.

CTA available for further support with decision making, transition, etc.

Year 12

Throughout their time in sixth form, CTA will be in regular contact with pupils, identifying and responding to any changing aspirations.

Group session as appropriate

1:1 discussion with each pupil and their parents/carers and support available for applications.

CTA available for discussion with parents and students at coffee mornings.
Year 13
Year 14

Tracking to continue after transition to monitor placements of students for three years after leaving.

Transition plan document will be updated to keep a record of all discussion and activity with students & parents and communication with future providers. Each pupil’s careers and transition journey will be recorded using Evidence for Learning.


The Blossom Tree Café


We are proud to offer our KS5 students the fabulous opportunity to work in our award-winning café. The Blossom Tree Café serves the local community in Springfield Park for three sessions per week. Our students develop and apply many skills in a practical, real-life situation. These include money handling, time-keeping, health and safety, work skills, communication and social skills, to name but a few.

If you would like to find out more about employment and supported employment, please visit the Worcester County Council LMI website Your Future Opportunities by clicking the icon, providing detailed labour market information, local job opportunities and much more: 

For more information, please click on the links below:




Skills for Worcestershire have careers and transition guidance for those young people with an EHCP. Take a look at their Choices booklet which is updated yearly to reflect the current offer and guidance in Worcestershire. Career guidance for those with SEND, SEMH, and EHCP (Education and Health Care Plan) | Worcestershire County Council