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Early Years

Early Years

24-25 Curriculum Map Early Years

NEW Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

Our WFS Early Years Department consists on 3 Reception Classes. We are based in the The Orchard Building, where we have access to our own playground, outdoor learning area and sensory room. We also have access to the facilities in and around the main school site.


By the end of reception, we aim for our pupils:

  • To develop a functional way of communicating their needs and wishes.
  • To develop effective relationships and interaction with others.
  • To be motivated and inspired to engage in a range of learning experiences.

Our Curriculum

The EYFS at Wyre Forest School is developed within our Reception Classes and we cover the seven areas of learning.

The table below demonstrates how our Wyre Forest Progression Steps align with the EYFS Development Matters. Terminology used throughout the curriculum map may differ slightly from the EYFS, but the learning is much the same.

EYFS Wyre Forest School Progression Steps
Prime Areas
Communication and Language WFS Communication and Interaction
  • Listening, Attention and Understanding
  • Speaking
  • Encounter
  • Awareness
  • Attention
  • Response
  • Engagement
  • Participation
  • Involvement
  • Speaking


  • Solitary
  • Exploratory
  • Functional
  • Relational
  • Parallel
  • Shared
  • Structured
  • Imaginative

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Self-regulation
  • Managing self
  • Building Relationships



Mental Health and Well-being

  • Feelings and emotions
  • Relationships
  • Sense of self


  • Travel Training (Transitioning)
  • Life Skills


Physical Development

  • Gross motor skills
  • Fine Motor Skills

Physical Well-being and Development

  • Exercise and rest
  • Body awareness
  • Fine Motor Development
  • Gross Motor Development


  • Personal Care
  • Eating and Drinking
Specific Areas

Understanding the World

  • Past and present
  • People, culture and communities
  • The natural world

The World About Us

  • The world about me
  • People and communities
  • Technology and Computing

Outdoor Learning

Expressive Arts and Design

  • Creating with materials
  • Being imaginative and expressive


  • Art
  • Dance
  • Music


  • Comprehension
  • Word Reading
  • Writing

Cognition and Learning

  • Problem scenarios
  • Literacy
  • Maths


  • Number
  • Numerical Patterns


At WFS, we recognise the importance of engagement, play, and exploration in children’s learning and development, and we believe that communication is the over-arching area of development on which pupil progression and success depends upon. We value and recognise the Characteristics of Effective learning, and plan opportunities to promote these in our daily offer.  

Image of child looking at picture cards  Image of child using an interactive screen  Image of children in a lesson

Characteristics of Effective Learning 

Playing and Exploring – children investigate and experience things and ‘have a go’  

Active Learning – children concentrate and keep on trying if the encounter difficulties and  enjoy achievements 

Creating and thinking critically – children have and develop their own ideas,   make links  between ideas and develop strategies for doing things.  

WFS Offer:

  • Structured care routines e.g., intimate care, snack times, lunch times.
  • Play-Based Approach – teachers will plan effective continuous provision that is based on pupil’s individual targets and interests.
  • Adult led activities – teachers will plan opportunities based on pupil’s individual targets.
  • Total Communication Approach e.g., Visual Timetables, OOR, PECS, ALDs, Now and Next boards, Sign along.
  • Movement times with incorporated OT support.

Embedding the three prime areas, across the Early Years underpins everything that we do. We aim for pupils to develop their ability to interact and communicate with others, to support their emotional well-being and nurture their ability to self-regulate and to ensure that pupils become as physically independent as they can be. Our staff team know the value of the skills that can be developed and the opportunities we can provide to enable this to happen. Additionally, through teaching the specific areas we aim to develop pupils’ engagement and interest within activities which is fundamental for progress to be made.

Example image of child in a lesson  Example image of child in a lesson Example image of child in a lesson

The Curriculum Map:

Our curriculum map has been derived using areas from the WFS progression steps, it ensures we have coverage of all relevant areas and that pupils are supported to develop at their own rate in relation to these areas. Our focus for adult-directed and specific planned learning opportunities falls largely into the 3 prime areas. The specific areas are taught in a much more tailored and responsive way, according to pupil need and promoting progress for all pupils at their own level. All areas of the curriculum are accessible throughout the year within continuous provision, and we often capture more incidental learning through child-led play and experiences.


At WFS we recognise that all our pupils are individuals and will develop at their own rate and in their own way and so we expect that the progress they make towards learning outcomes will look different for each of our pupils. Our pupil’s journey will be recorded using Evidence for Learning and this allows us to capture the learning and progress that has taken place for the individual child. We know that children learn through play, and child-led learning s this is at heart of our curriculum.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Charley Curtis, EYFS Pathway Leader, via the school office.