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Research shows that children who attend school regularly are likely to be more successful. A pupil who misses a day of school a week misses an equivalent of two whole years in their school life. This obviously leads to gaps in their knowledge that become difficult to fill.

Wyre Forest School works hard to ensure pupils are attending school as often as possible and we are passionate about all pupils achieving 100% attendance.  It is our belief that learning can be impacted on negatively by pupils who are absent and we work collaboratively with parents and pupils to ensure attendance can be maximised.

We celebrate pupils who attend regularly through our Marvellous Me App. Pupils and parents are informed when half-termly attendance has been 100%. Class teachers monitor attendance rigorously and will also celebrate attendance within their form/tutor group as well as identifying when a pupil is absent.

We do respond quickly to absence in school and our procedures for absence are as follows -