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Physical Development & PE


At Wyre Forest School, we truly value the benefit of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle, recognising the effect this can have on our pupils’ wellbeing, development of character and resilience. Physical development at all levels is an integral part of our curriculum and works in line with DfE expectations, at least 2 hours a week of physical activity, see Physical Development & Long-Term Plan below. This may include daily active sessions in the classrooms, individual physiotherapy or occupational therapy programmes, planned PE lessons, use of the bike track, outdoor gym, sensory circuit activities, hydro pool or swimming activities.


The offer for each child will depend upon their individual needs and their pathway, see Physical Development and Physical Education – Skill Development and Assessment Link diagram below. Planning will be taken from the WFS Curriculum – Physical Wellbeing & Development and the National Curriculum, when pupils are ready to access Key Stage 1.

Planning at all levels is supported using imoves online tool, and the Real PE program supports development of skills at National Curriculum levels. Physical development and/or PE sessions will include Pilates, gymnastics, games, dance and athletics. Pupils will also experience ‘activate blast’ sessions, which are short bursts of activities to focus learning and increase the amount time pupils are active across the school the school day.


Evidence of progress will be collected on Evidence for Learning, through parental feedback and progress against physiotherapy or occupational therapy programs. Longer term progress will be seen on WFS Progression Steps and National Curriculum recording on SONAR.