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Helping you through Coronavirus (COVID-19)

This is a difficult time for everyone.

It is difficult for adults to understand all the information and change around coronavirus. This means it is going to be very difficult for children and young people to be able to do the same!

It is going to be difficult for children and young people to understand:

·      social distancing

·      keeping themselves and others healthy e.g. hand washing

·      school closures and what happens

·      having to self-isolate and what this means

·      having a coronavirus test

We will try to make this process a little easier by adding some accessible information and resources to this page to support you, as well as some useful links.

Useful Links

A free online book explaining COVID-19 to children drawn by Axel Scheffler (Gruffalo illustrator):

Worcestershire Speech and Language Therapy - Lots of resources and strategies available to help families:

British Psychological Society - How to talk to your child about Coronavirus: