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Outdoor Learning

Here at Wyre Forest school, we define outdoor learning as active learning in the outdoors. In Outdoor Learning, pupils learn through what they do, through what they encounter and through what they discover. Participants learn about the outdoors, themselves, and each other, while also learning outdoor skills.

Pupils are given a variety of opportunities to learn outdoors. These include through forest school, the allotment, gardening, play, and the John Muir award.

At Forest School, it is a child-led learning process, that offers opportunities for holistic growth through regular sessions. It is a long-term program that supports play, exploration and risk taking. It develops confidence and self-esteem through hands-on experiences in a natural setting. Here, we have qualified forest school leaders that run the sessions.

We are fortunate here at the Wyre Forest School to have an outdoor area where learners can take part in a wide range of activities which help to achieve our Wyre Forest Progression Steps. Activities pupils experience can include shelter building, cooking on an open fire, insect hunting, pond dipping, making craft items, using tools such as mallets and saws, playing, and many more.

All of the activities support our learners to build skills such as

  • Self esteem
  • Speech, language and communication
  • A feeling of well being
  • Independence
  • Social
  • Emotional
  • Physical (gross and fine motor)

Our sessions take place in all weathers which enable pupils to grow in resilience and confidence. It also helps them to understand the changing seasons and grows their independence when deciding on appropriate clothing or risk taking for example.

Over at the allotment, pupils plant seeds, weed, look after plants, and use tools. Pupils experience what it’s like to grow both flowers and plants for food. They will use secateurs, loppers, trowels, and rakes to keep their allotment neat and tidy. Our 6th form regularly visit and maintain the allotment over at Bishops Wood while some classes in main school visit the onsite allotment.

In the John Muir award, pupils are given the opportunity to look after and enhance a specific place. They will create insect homes, plant shrubs/trees, go for nature walks, and take on conservation projects.

We encourage pupils to learn outside by going on offsite visits. Examples of places regularly visited include the Wyre Forest, Habberley Valley, Devils spittle field, and Blakes Marsh.

If you have any queries about outdoor learning then please feel free to contact Mr Harper by email at