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The Team

The team consists of a Communication Lead, a Specialist Teacher in Autism, Communication Assistant/First Aider and Speech and Language Therapists. Within our team we also have a trained Signalong Tutor.

Our Team Aim

We will support the communication needs of the pupils at the Wyre Forest School by promoting a high quality consistent approach to communication and interaction.



We aim to do this through the school’s 4 communication standards.

Standard 1:

The school provides a communication friendly learning environment. Classroom staff consistently support communication and learning through use of visual resources.

Standard 2:

Classroom staff consistently use language that matches the learning, language and emotional literacy level of individual learners.

Standard 3:

Classroom staff consistently use the mode of communication that matches the primary means of communication of individual learners.

Standard 4:

Teaching staff and Speech and Language Therapists (SLT) will work collaboratively to develop and monitor appropriate communication targets.

How the team works

  • We meet and talk with class teams
  • We work in class e.g. Observation, offering advice, demonstration and modeling of strategies.
  • Carry out individual assessment of communication skills for referred pupils
  • We are involved in target setting e.g. for Individual Pupil Profiles
  • Carry out joint reviews and evaluation
  • We set up and maintain the school’s communication friendly environment (link to the document)
  • We prepare, share and loan out communication and interaction resources

We offer training for our community partners and for WFS school staff. Close links with parents and other carers are maintained and communication training and resources are provided for home and other settings when necessary. 

Widgit Centre 

At Wyre Forest School, we use Widgit symbols. Widgit symbols are not just used in Worcestershire, they are used all over the world and support 17 different languages. 

Symbols are simply drawn images that are used to support written text, therefore making the text easier to read. Symbols are a visual representation of a concept and can either be produced in black and white or colour.

The aim of using symbols is to support reading and writing. Therefore, symbols can help support understanding, expression, independence, choice making and learning. At Wyre Forest School we have years of experience using symbols to support pupils and, as a result of this experience and knowledge, we are a Widgit Centre.

Widgit Centres are a network of organisations based around the country who offer advice and support on Widgit products. Widgit Centres can also deliver training on Widgit software and can teach you how to use symbols effectively. At Wyre Forest School, we have experienced trainers who can offer a range of services to all members of the community by sharing our experience and knowledge in a personalised way. 

If you would like more information on the support we can offer you, please contact Beverley Thorne (Communication Team) at Wyre Forest School.

For further information on Widgit visit: