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Newsletter 29th April 2016

Latest News from Wyre Forest School

Menu Week: Week beginning 2nd May will be Week 1

Attendance: Week ending 22nd April was 94.3%

Best Class Attendance: Week ending 22nd April was 7P at 96.8% - Well Done

Coffee & Chat at Russell House with Mrs Garratt

May 19th 9.30am, 14th July 9.30am and 15th July at 2pm all at Russell House. Please let the school office know if you will be attending so we can prepare for numbers. Please come directly to Russell House.

Sixth-Form class 13P have been raising funds for our school prom

On Wednesday afternoons Enterprise lesson students have been washing staffs cars, they have raised £150.00 so far and what a brilliant job they do.










Karl and James have been providing a coffee and tea service to our SLT and office staff through one of their lessons. Staff have seen them grow with confidence each week and both boys look forward to this lesson. They have raised £35.00. Thank you for all staffs support raising prom money.

Fundraising for school prom

If you know of any companies who would like to donate to the school prom fund and then have their name advertised on our school newsletter and at the prom – PLEASE LET THE SCHOOL OFFICE KNOW.

Please read the notice overleaf which explains the new assessment system we are using at

Wyre Forest School.

Steps in progress at Wyre Forest School

Previously pupils ‘attainment’ was measured in National Curriculum Levels and if pupils were not yet working at National Curriculum levels, ‘p’ levels.

The government have stopped the use of National Curriculum levels and pupils are now judged at age appropriateness or against a pupil’s chronological age, so they are either working at their age range or below.

At a Special School this proves difficult as the vast majority of our pupils are working below their chronological age but they make great steps in progress.

We therefore wanted a system that we could use from the age of 3 to 19 that was simple to use and shows each individuals steps in progress.

We are now using SOLAR (Special On Line Assessment and Recording) and Wilson Stuart School (who have been judged outstanding by Ofsted in their last 5 inspections) ‘p’ steps to record evidence of progress, set targets and to share goals achieved.

Progress Steps

As we swap from one system to a much more detailed system you may notice a drop from the previous ‘p’ levels to our new ‘p’ steps. This is because we are swapping systems – it would be like comparing apples and pears.

Developments for 2016/17

We have been learning, using and refining our new system during the academic year 2015/16. From 2016/17 you will see the following;

Autumn Term 2
  1. Your child’s targets for the year ahead
  2. Targets for reading, writing and number on the website to help support at home
Parents Evenings & Annual Reviews
  1. Update on progress using Wilson Stuart P Steps
  2. Copy of progress file
  3. Signposted to targets to help support at home
End of Year Reports
  1. Update on progress using the P Steps
  2. Copy of progress file